Comprehensive and Safe Chemical Solutions

By utilizing our proprietary bio-stimulant, the need for standard nitrogen, phosphate and potassium based “fertilizer” nutrients are eliminated.  In doing so, the microbes are forced to search and utilize macro and micro nutrients found in their environment.  Bio-stimulation also reduces conventional nutrient (NPK) loading to discharge water. 

Proper bacterial degradation can depend on aerobic as well as anaerobic cultures producing the correct types and amounts of enzymes and proteins.  CWI can enhance indigenous populations of both anaerobic and aerobic microbes by simply adding our bio-stimulant. 

Through the use of proprietary blends of naturally occurring bacteria, our results are superior and greatly accelerated.

CWI Services

·      Engineering and process design to implement products and support (aeration).

·      A complete line of products which are proven in microbial enhancement.

·      Assistance in developing low environmental impact support systems.

·      In-house and third-party treatability studies and expanded biological research.

·      Full support on all levels of project development and enhancement.

·      Sampling and analytical support for verification.

·      Each application can vary depending on the stage or life of the system.

·      Existing ponds and lagoons will require insertion application technologies.

·      All types of existing WWTP’s are made more efficient.

·      Enhancing WWTP operations eliminates expansion requirements.

·      Reductions of existing chemical requirements will save money.

·      Low environmental impact application is always a priority.



Step by Step Approach